You can use this solution for precompliance testing in the development phase. It will significantly reduce your risks during certification.
We believe that our solution can help you successfully pass the certification procedure and bring your products to market as quickly as possible.
UniTesS GNSS Generator contains all settings required to perform tests and calibration of navigation receivers and is very easy to use, which favorably distinguishes it from similar products requiring considerable efforts for the acquisition of definite skills and for proper use.
Tested parameters according to GOST 55534:
performance of the modules, frequency and the correctness of NMEA-messages sending;
- positioning accuracy in static mode;
- positioning accuracy and speed calculation accuracy in dynamic mode;
- determination of a "cold start" time;
- time of a tracking reconstruction after a break-down due to a temporary lack of signal;
- determination of a navigation receiver sensitivity in search mode and signal hold-on mode;
- check of the autonomous validity control;
- determination of a minimum satellite cutoff angle;
- determination of module turn-off time.
Based on the results of the conducted tests the UniTesS system automatically forms a test report of a defined type with conclusions on compatibility of a specific sample
Related products:
- UniTesS PTZ - pivot device with a dielectric table;
- measuring antenna П6-23М (Pb-23M).
Related acessories:
- absorbent material for arrangement of a measuring site;
- set of SHF-cables and couplers for arrangement of a work place.
Related services:
- installation at customer's site;
- training on operation and maintenance;
- advisory assistance on GOST 55534 standard;
- support.