The simulator is designed for automated testing and calibration of navigation GPS\GLONASS receivers with cable or cable-free connection, as well as for measuring antennas parameters and a scalar analysis of circuits within a range of up to 6 GHz. The principle of operation of the Simulator is based on the formation of the navigation field as a combination of navigation signals:
- GNSS GLONASS with range-measurement codes of standard precision CT (OF) within the L1 frequency band;
- GNSS GPS with a range-measurement code of a standard precision C/A within the L1 frequency band.
UNITESS 102x line of vector generators, which includes three models:
- UNITESS 1020 (DAC - 12 bits);
- UNITESS 1021 (DAC - 16 bits);
- UNITESS 1022 (16-bit DAC, power meter up to 18 GHz, scalar generator up to 20 GHz).
Technical specifications
- quantity of satellites 12x GPS + 12x Glonass;
- simulation modes:
- point, script (scenario);
- dynamic range from -20 to -150 dBW;
- level accuracy ≤ ± .0 dB;
- frequency accuracy ≤ 1 10-9;
- accuracy of pseudo-range formation:
- by range-measurement code phase ≤ 0,5 m
- by pseudo-speed ≤ 0.01 m/s
The equipment can be executed in desktop and mobile versions.
Mobile UniTesS 1022 GNSS
GLONASS and GPS simulator in portable and rugged design.
UNITESS GNSS GENERATOR software features:
- simultaneous generation of up to 12 GPS satellites and up to 12 GLONASS satellites;
- imitation of the motion of the receiver, indicating the speeds and accelerations;
- download almanac and ephemeris files.
- simplified user interface;
User Interface
UNITESS GNSS GENERATOR contains all the necessary settings for testing and calibration of navigation receivers and is very easy to use. This feature sets it apart from the similar products that require considerable effort to master and use correctly.
Sample report
According to the results of the tests, the UNITESS system automatically generates a test report with the conformity results of a particular sample.
Tested parameters according to GOST 55534:
- performance of the modules, frequency and the correctness of NMEA-messages sending; positioning accuracy in static mode;
- positioning accuracy and speed calculation accuracy in dynamic mode;
- determination of a "cold start" time;
- time of a tracking reconstruction after a break-down due to a temporary lack of signal;
- determination of a navigation receiver sensitivity in search mode and signal hold-on mode;
- check of the autonomous validity control; determination of a minimum satellite cutoff angle;
- determination of module turn-off time.
Based on the results of the conducted tests the UniTesS system automatically forms a test report of a defined type with conclusions on compatibility of a specific sample.